“you can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together. justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on…”

Reality slapped in front of me. Maybe ‘that girl’ realized the oh-so-heroic love of my ‘former obsession’ (well, past is past) but I doubt that. I know that she really knows it from the start but she’s just seizing her crappy beautiful moment. And now, they’re on exchanging gooey what-i-really-feel-for-you situation. At first, I thought that it’s just a mirage, the worst mirage I’ve ever seen because that simply sucks. After of what happened in the past four months, it’s the least I expect from them. Maybe if this thing happened three months ago, my blogs and life are flooded with swearings. Luckily, I’ve accepted my defeat before the battle starts (as if I’m going to fight for him, sounds bitter? yeah right). I’m not depressed to the paramount but I admit that it’s sort of saddening. And I’m worrying on the next week or two because I’m going to see them together sharing their happy-ever-after moment. But I guess, I’ll just set my mind on more important things. And there’s lot of problems needing probleming. I’ll just move the hell on as a phoenix risen “from the ashes”…

