"at some point, something must have come from nothing..."

Whew. it's been a year since I've been in here. Same old, same old. Busy with studies? Nah. Busy doing nothing? Sort of. Busy doing random things to waste precious time? Exactly. In a span of a year, I'm doing same old stuffs. Going to school and making a progress(?) towards my ever cherished diploma, At last! At long last! I'm on my last year (hopefully) with this path. Ahhh~ This path. The reason why I had this cyber diary that no one even give a damn except to myself. I still remember my first entry and my feelings as I write the draft of that entry. I'm being nostalgic. And I realized that in almost four years of ranting, I become a little more mature or so the way i spit my words out. But still...

So, what really is the point of me being in here again? Boredom. Exceeding boredom. Well, I've got a new hobby-slash-obsession or whatever you want to call it as I deal with my stereotypes. My fangirl spirits kicked in again. And it's more intense this time. I've gone gaga with Korean-pop. Yeah. The kickass soldier of all things rock has this sword of Korean-pop on the other hand. And when I said intense, I mean... INTENSE. I'll completely forgot about this if not for the boredom on that thing. No. I'm not bored with my fandom. But with the things I'm able to do around it. I've become obsessed with this super-blogging thing to the point that it ruined my then-ruined studies. I must be updated with things regarding to the new world I'm in. Or else, I'll go uneasy psychopath-like nomad blogger. I've been an assuming asshole thinking that I must do my very best to please my beloved followers. I must not disappoint them. For a nomad and unpopular blogger, I really am a hell of vain.

The things I've been dreading for was here. Slapping my face. I don't want any other people to tun my life but that's what exactly is happening in a way I'm not aware of. Or maybe I am. I just choose to believe that I'm not. The final (God knows I wish this would be) part is approaching. I must focus on thesis and my studies and take things slow on other uhmmm... things. I'm getting closer and closer to that goddamn diploma. And after that, I can do whatever idiocy I please. I just need to keep on uttering to myself that we're "on out way"...

