“beware. dark and difficult times lie ahead. there are times you need to choose on what is right and what is easy…”

Hmmm. Another brainstorming. Yes, unlimited brainstorming. Actually, I’m tired of it. Tired of thinking how things might fall on their proper places. Or just knowing where those places are. Alright. I know. I’m paranoid. A victim between the battle of mind and conscience. And sort of happy with it. At least I know that I have a chance to go to heaven because my conscience is still working. Haha! Maybe, that’s the purpose of my mind. To brainstorm. I’m not like those people who took even the smallest things too seriously. But the thoughts that run through my mind are something unexplainable. Unpredictable. Uncommon. Weird in short. Just like me.

I’m not the activist type of person. Or that’s just what I thought. I really do value ego. Pride is the one that’s gonna kill me in the seven deadly sins. Really. I know that. I know that every little thing have a corresponding amount. Everything. But they kept on denying it. *Sigh. But the rebel inside me wants to burst. I don’t want to be in here. So why do I keep on thinking what should I do when I know that this is the time. The time to do my vengeance. Mwahaha! And some told me that this is a once in a lifetime experience. That I might regret when I let this moment pass by. They told me that it isn’t bad to come out of my shell and be normal at least once in a while. But still…

No. It’s time to set aside those silly revenge thing. When I let this stay, it will suck me in whole. In the end, I’m going to be the victim. A victim who is so pathetic. A person who doesn’t know the meaning of sacrifice. I choose this “other path”. Period. And back on the easy and right stuffs. Honestly, I don’t want that moment. I really don’t. I’m not the type who is born to enjoy that kind of thing. I’m normal. But in an extaordinary way. For me, that’s just a waste of time and fortune. But when you looked at it in many ways, it seems that I need it to save the thing called honor. I still have a chance. And I do have the option. The thing that I fear is when I don’t choose the right option. And missed the other chance. Oh my. Things are going really odd. The world turns in an uncertain pace. In an unusual way. And this is “the world I know”…

